6 Healthy Night Time Snacks

So, when you wake up in the night and discover that your stomach is really empty and you can’t eat anything, or worse, if you do have more than just a couple of hours left of stomach space and you want to give yourself some healthy snacks. The good news is that there are so many ways to make snacking fun.

However, it may not be as easy to find all the foods that will nourish you, so we thought why not share with you our top snacks for nighttime snacks!

You can check out our list below to get inspiration of how simple and delicious these healthy snack options are to add to your nighttime meals!

1. Popcorn

Popcorn has been around since before anyone can remember, but due to its popularity, it’s now available in almost every restaurant. You’ve probably had it at least once, and it’s always been yummy. It’s also very hygienic. It doesn’t need refrigeration and the plastic bag can be thrown out immediately after eating to limit bacteria growth and spoilage.

Popcorn can be found as a base for other snacks such as rice cakes, egg McGuffin, frozen apples, and even air-fried veggies, which makes it one of the best snacks if you find yourself hungry between midnight and early morning. Moreover, don’t forget you can enjoy popping that crispy surface off as a toast or an egg. And let’s not forget to grab a big bottle for leftover popcorn from the day! We highly recommend this brand for people who love their popsicles!

2. Whole Fruits Smoothies

Nowadays, people can choose any kind of fruit for making smoothie. In fact, most of them prefer choosing fresh fruits over ice cream. That’s why different kinds of juices are available like peach lemonade, apple cider juice, green tea, soy milk, etc. But we’re sure that the real treat for people is to make whole fruit smoothies. These are mostly rich in vitamin A and B. Not only that, but they’re packed with nutrients such as fiber that helps to keep you regular, iron, protein, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, manganese, copper, and zinc. They have also high amounts of antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein, alpha-lipoic acid, pectin, citric acid, flavonoids, and vitamins E, K, calcium and magnesium.

Another thing is that they are easily accessible at your convenience! Try topping it up with ice cubes or freeze-dried carrot sticks, and you’re ready to go on a journey towards healthier eating!

Just try adding two tablespoons of raw figs or lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey or brown sugar, a cup of shredded carrots, 2 cups of blueberries, 2 ounces strawberries, a cup of chia seeds, a teaspoon of peanut butter, 3 teaspoons pistachios or almonds. Don’t you think that all fruit smoothies are worth this wonderful meal? Why not combine with yogurt? This drink will satisfy your sweet tooth without consuming a lot of calories.

3. Rice Cake Snacks

You know what the kids say… ‘It takes 10 minutes to finish the bag’! Well we don’t have a problem with that! If you don’t have enough time to make a huge bowl, then why not bake something for yourself? As you probably already know, rice cake can be prepared by mixing flour, water, nuts and spices. Then you put it inside the oven, so it becomes sticky and dry. Now it’s ready to roll out with whatever you want inside it!

The great thing about it is that it can be made by hand with a little practice; just let someone else do what you aren’t able to do, and you’ll soon be rolling it out by yourself! You can also use it to make cookies, cookies, muffins, tarts or buns, breadsticks or even wraps for your fried dough pastry. Basically, rice cakes are popular because they’re very satisfying, easy to make and store, and great way to satisfy that craving for a comforting snack after long days. Add some toppings like strawberries to it and you’re going to feel fulfilled.

4. Air Fried Or Dehydrated Vegetables

This idea may sound weird and unappetizing, but it’s definitely one of those snacks that can work wonders for fighting the urge to eat more fatty food. We’ve mentioned it earlier when people were told it needed no extra effort. The reason behind that is that this vegetable does all the hard work and you just need to heat it up in less time, don’t even need to stir it! How cool is that that even you don’t need an electric skillet to cook these veggies! For example, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, celery leaves, peppers … all of them are very versatile!

Some examples are boiled vegetables such as peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and lettuce, or even sautéed vegetables like mushrooms or mushrooms. Moreover, these veggies are pretty flexible and can be heated up quickly. So, you don’t need to be surprised if your vegetable doesn’t take a second to bake in the pan. Even though you’ll feel tired, it won’t be too much trouble to prepare a large batch and use it whenever you need it. Yes, you will need your own fridge, as it gets very tough to keep them fresh in the fridge, but you can’t resist using them anytime you want. Don’t worry, you can freeze them and consume them when you don’t have time for preparing healthy meals! On the other hand, to cut costs, you don’t need to buy so many vegetables, just add the ones that you don’t always have!

So, here are few amazing recipes you can try: broccoli cheese fries, cauliflower salad and tofu sauce, spaghetti squash noodles, grilled cheese and pepper and avocado pasta sauce. Moreover, you can also add kale, broccoli, cabbage, chicken, peppers, onions, garlic, lemon juice, etc. These vegetables are super versatile to include in all types of dishes without wasting a single cent.

5. Eggs

After spending a considerable amount of money to hire a professional chef to make the perfect omelet, you may wonder why did it take so long? Well, you don’t need to ask them again because eggs came with us right in front of our eyes! Let me tell you this: they are nutritious without being fatty.

Did you know that a small portion of eggs can provide you with 15g of protein? In addition to that, eggs can also be used as breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as a dessert! There are lots of delicious ways to serve them such as scrambled, baked or poached, and curried.

You can also create mini-meals by poaching the whites first. Once cooked, leave it for 5 minutes or overnight for making the ideal texture for omelets. Moreover, you can spread it on some bread slices, on chips, as a salad, on a toast, or as a side dish. It turns out that eggs are just that good and a quick fix to all the snacking cravings that you usually have along with your friends! Plus, it doesn’t matter if it was eaten early or late because it’s still delicious and is nutritious. So, the next time you are hungry between midnight and early morning, go ahead, grab a plate full of eggs, and start enjoying this special dinner that will stay in your mind and mind forever!

6. Roasted Nuts And Dates

You may not know this, but nuts are also amazing snacks. So, how great! What you need to do to make them a snack is roast them. This step will make them nutty and tender. Furthermore, this way they will feel like home to eat anywhere and everywhere! Isn’t that amazing?

People think that nuts need some kind of extra cooking and cooking oil but they actually don’t need that, as roasted nuts are a better alternative. Besides, there are tons of delicious recipes you can try using the nuts to make a tasty dip like chocolate chip cookie sandwiches!

Or you can add shredded peanuts to them in order to bring a layer of crunchy crust. If you want to add some flavor to make it a healthier snack you should add a drizzle of lemon juice, coconut milk, black beans, dates, peanut butter, cinnamon, some berries. All in all, these are just a basic recipe but it will look beautiful on any festive table or in any room you like.

Important Things

These are truly just the basics of daily life, so it’s important to take into consideration the way to deal with hunger in general. Instead of trying to satisfy those needs through excessive consumption of fatty foods, try to control your hunger.

Be careful with the carbs, avoid fried foods and make sure to eat plain vegetables or fruits once in a while. Make sure to give yourself the maximum amount of energy that you can. Keep track of sleep and stick to it.

Above all, don’t ignore the importance of proper nutrition and never underestimate the power of each bite. Don’t miss your favorite healthy snack! Thanks for reading & also share with your friends who wake up in the night and want to eat something healthy.

Shiraz Akhtar

I write articles about Health,Tech Related Blogs & also Startup Blogs to motivate and help People's to spend a Happy Life.

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