Blogging Tips For Tech Writers

Blogging is the process of making blog posts. When you're writing a blog, you need to write about a particular topic with your audience and give them value in your articles.

You can also include images, videos and links in your blog post. The reason why you choose that type of blog is because it's easier to manage. You can edit any part of your blogging. Here are some helpful blogging tips for technical writers

1) Blog Post Structure & Format

This is the best part of blogging. As I mentioned before, you need to write a lot of article. It helps you understand how much people read your post and that will help you figure out how much time you need. There are so many ways to structure your post and this will make your site look professional. Most blog posts are written in chronological order in terms of when they were first published. This is also the case with most blogs.

The content that you're going to talk about must include the following concepts:

  • The main idea or idea that you want people to know
  • The core idea behind what your audience want it to be like
  • Key points that every person should remember
  • What a reader would be able to do with it
  • Your thoughts on the general subject
  • The conclusion and summary of all the ideas
  • Your personal opinion on what you just talked about
  • The topics that you're going to talk about
  • The main idea that you want readers to feel and remember
  • You want readers to go through your mind to figure out where they stood and think of how your blog gives information.

2) Blog Post Title & Article Description

This one is the most important part. If possible, put the title of your article at the top of the page. You may start off with these two sentences if you have any kind of title for your post.

  • What is my key point?
  • Why did I write this post about X?
  • What has happened?
  • What am I trying to say?
  • Is it clear enough?
  • Do I need more details?

This is also good for explaining a bit about yourself. Just write down your title and description. Don't include any pictures, unless there is a lot of pictures. Make sure to use keywords whenever possible, it will be much better if readers get a chance to search through the title and find what they're looking for. So always remember: don't overcomplicate the title or descriptions. It is always a great way to attract bloggers as well as new writers.

For example, let me give you a piece of advice which you can use in your description: "You see an opportunity for an app", how many competitors are doing the same thing you do, what technologies they currently use or the benefits which you would provide them with. So this is very useful. Also always keep titles short and simple to read. Write your description in such a way that readers and potential clients find it easy to search through it easily.

3) Blog Post Outline

It's more than just a layout. It goes deeper than that, it gives your audience a more solid understanding of your work. Think of writing as the storyteller who tells his story. He wants readers to take you back into that world and understand your vision. In a world of technological revolution it will be difficult and even impossible to tell stories without using the latest technology. Your outline will give your audience a better understanding of the things that you're talking about.

Make sure to include this section at the end of your post, as it helps create hierarchy - your work is divided into sub-topics. A few examples of outlining:

> Why we're developing the product:

  • What's our reason?
  • How big the project is?
  • Who is involved?
  • Why should we invest?

> What features you'll provide:

  • What kind of functionality do you want you to have?
  • How hard it is to execute it?
  • Why should it be successful?

> What kinds of customers it will be best adapted to:

  • What kind of market do you want to serve this way?
  • How will you monetize?
  • Who are your typical buyers/sellers?

> What tools you'll need:

  • Which programming language do you need to develop this solution?
  • Are you going to integrate other parts?
  • Do you want to sell it to third party vendors?
  • Will it be available online?
  • Can it work on mobile or web?

> How will you monetize:

  • How and where will you get it?
  • How will you measure success?
  • How much time will you have available to complete your work?
  • Why not only ask for money to pay your staff?
  • Or do something else?

All of these questions will help show up on your post outline - you might want to add a couple of pictures. These will be your best friends, no matter which format you use. They will tell you how you are presenting your work, how many words you think you have or how many years you've been working on it.

4) Blog Writing Topics

You need to understand what topics you want to write about. If you write about everything with lots of pictures and high-quality text, then that's not your job. To succeed in blogging, I would recommend choosing one specific topic and stick with it. If you write about politics, then those are not the topics you can write about. That being said, even if you write about the exact same topic but you use less or a little different technology or maybe you use Microsoft Word instead of MS Excel or Google Docs then you still can publish a successful blog post and attract people who are interested in the topic. Many bloggers just use their imagination to come up with topics. If you want to get into blogging, you need to think about a little harder about each and then decide what a reader's interest will be. Nowadays, many interesting and popular blogs are built around a single primary topic - sports. If you write about sports, you can expect to get a large audience.

5) Blog Post Keywords

You need to know the primary word that everyone knows today. Even though it's a really broad one, one of those words that everybody is talking about again and again, I personally think it's crucial. Once you find that keyword, you should write long and complicated sentences. Use lots of grammar rules and think carefully about how to talk about your topic. Think of your story as a puzzle. Each step has its place in that puzzle. Start from the simple steps that the readers are expecting to do. Then move on to complex ones. Finally, it's finally the hardest steps that come next. By telling your own story, you'll be showing that you're capable of creating whatever you want, even if it's not technical.

The same principle applies in blogging. Always mention that in your writing that you're writing about a particular area and not the whole Internet. Remember that the majority of users have just gone through the previous tip.

When you write in a certain genre, your writing will be unique and original. Not to mention how often people have had similar experiences on social media - you just need to think of your material. You can write anything, but if you're going to focus on one area, find out what that is for your audience and stick with it. If you're writing about traveling to some exotic island, stay away from generic travel blogger (or vice versa), write about countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy or Turkey - those are the areas that people care about most often. Focus on what you love about it and what makes the landscape unique.

6) Blog Post Structure

The last thing you should consider is structure. A series of smaller parts, chapters and segments. Stick to that pattern and structure. Yes, you do get some flexibility in structuring. Write in a very linear structure, but try to avoid repeating your topics. Let's take a small instance about this. I have a blog where I share some tips and tricks. So you can expect the same approach when you write something personal for readers. When you write about sports, you write about soccer, football, football, baseball. Each chapter of that series is about something specific enough. Of course, you can get away with including a paragraph for each chapter, but you know what's coming from there and you can go straight into your introduction. But try to write on one topic or several topics. And I'm not saying that it has to be one hundred pages and that you shouldn't have some sections and things in between.

Another example is an image gallery, each page has a slideshow, a gallery and some other things. Each month, you come across hundreds of photos or photos related to you. Instead of writing about those photos, write about the entire process - what you went through. Tell us what you found out and what you learned. Maybe you got a diploma at school. Perhaps you're learning an art or an instrument or something new. Whatever that is, write about that too. I believe it's a huge advantage that it doesn't take a lot time to write about the process, that it allows you to write for multiple niches. People come back to the website to find out more about photography so it's a real time saver.

7) Blogger Profile Page & Top Articles

Having a regular reading list can be super helpful for getting noticed in social media. Especially if you write for beginners. Showing your stats and achievements, this will help you to spread the right message. Give away free courses, teach yourself stuff related to the given industry through YouTube channels and podcasts. All of that will eventually lead visitors back to your blog. This is how influencers and marketers have done it.


You need to know the most common topics in your niche. Try to follow trends in blog writing and writing topics. No matter the niche, make sure to write about it well. Write about what you love and what you think about it. Be open to constructive criticism.
Shiraz Akhtar

I write articles about Health,Tech Related Blogs & also Startup Blogs to motivate and help People's to spend a Happy Life.

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